Transcription: To the magical objects floating in space. To the magical objects floating in space.To the Magical Objects floating in space. To the Magical Objects floating in space.
Krazy Kat [wakki.kat]
s3m (Scream Tracker 3)
Scream Tracker 3.20 S3M
I *-----------------------* N |....../|................ T |...../ ...... R |..../---- L P H A ...... O |.../ |................ D |........................ U |..O M E G A..... C |........................ I |........Krazy........... N |.........KAT............ G |........................ --* KRAZY KAT :: kompleted on 12/18/94 first release by ALPHA OMEGA PROGRAMMER: _OFFiSSA PuP MYX SPECIALIST: oMEGATRON SAMPLING: ALPHA_bitz special greetz to: Christ Jesus, lord of space , N*Soul records, Prodigal Sonz, Prophecy of Panic, DJ Scott Blackwell, old old friends in the Body, Very new friends that I still love very much, Kip Kippley for all the moral and tech support, Tranzformerz the Movie for the rad name, Rob Murphy <raav-smurfy> for the encouragement, George Harriman; Krazy Kat Kreator! ______________internet mail If you wish to join or contribute in some way, please contact the above address, or call the K i p N e t (402) 597-1740 to leave mail for scott forbes. The KipNet is my distro site, so all you other boards look out! here komes the holy spirit! The ftp site that I distribute to most often is , and you can find all of my new stuff there in the /demos/music/s3m directory Don't hesitate to write to me even if you hate my stuff. I love to write and to chat with people about nothing in particular. If you want something to be published in this space or in the dox that come with my musik, then write me and tell me, and i'll put it in, free of charge. UNTiL the neXt and hopefully BETTER s3m ... ________________ALPHA oMEGA ________________signing off